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SAP Central Finance

Filter: SAP Central Finance

SAP Central Finance: Key functionality and a sneak peek at our upcoming webinar

Key functionality delivered with SAP Central Finance Delivered integrated with SAP S/4HANA with a set of consolidation enablement technologies: Transaction logging that is system agnostic …

Central Finance Drill-Back to Source Document via SAP GUI and Fiori

Drilling back from a Central Finance system to a source system can be achieved through the SAP GUI or SAP Fiori Launchpad. This functionality helps to equip users with visibility and transparency into their financial documents and which system they originated from.

Insights from the SAP Central Finance Exchange in Chicago

As of May 2018, SAP Central Finance has helped 40 live customers (out of 220 active projects) integrate source systems into S/4HANA. The Central Finance Exchange event hosted by TruQua and Magnitude was the opportunity to take a snapshot of the Central Finance customer base. Twenty-two customers attending the North America Central Finance EXCHANGE event answered the survey revealing surprising insights.

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